
Religions divide us

The religions divide us.  “Hindu, Muslim, Sikh , Isaai.. sab aapas mei bhai bhai.” You see that? That’s exactly where the divide is.  The need to say that one human is related to another brings up the idea that they are actually not.  Yes, it is a good saying. Yes, i support it. The question is why do we need it? We humans live on this world together, we all a part of a community called Humanity. Then why the divide?  Why do people out there want to help people from their own religion only and leave the others. What is that need to spread your religion and convert people into it? In our attempts to spread a religion, we have forgotten to spread the only one true religion.  Humanity. Also read:- People go into disputes, families are torn apart, people kill each other. They forget that they all are humans; the same species.!! So what is that divides us? ( religion… duh!!) Yeah, but Why?

Women Empowerment 2.0

  “No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.” Michelle Obama Generations have passed and the fight for gender equality is still not over. Every day we see women fighting for their place in society and every day we win just a little. You may think that after soo much time, we should be moving faster towards a society where one ‘whole’ half of the society is not left behind. Unfortunately, that is the case… We are slow. Fortunately, people realize this and we are still moving. Women Empowerment 1.0 Amidst all this, comes the issue of women empowerment. When we hear the term “women empowerment” the first thing that comes to our mind is lifting women to be an equal counterpart in the society. We think of women empowerment as protecting the women in our society. However, the major flaw with this thinking is that it places the women as weak and unequal. “Achieving gender equality requires the


THE SECRET? In 2006, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne came out and brought the Law of Attraction into the limelight. It was hit among the readers and rightly so. It talked about how your thoughts can change your reality and how your mind holds power if you let it.                                       Yes, this was the secret behind the success of all the brilliant people around them. They had been working with this Law knowingly or unknowingly. This was the secret that nobody knew about but everybody used.. sometimes unknowingly so. It was brought out in publicity just 14 years ago, however, it s that one law that has been working even before the dawn of civilization. What is THE LAW OF ATTRACTION?                                   Before we dive deeper, in the Law of attraction, let's just understand what it is. Simply put, the Law of attraction is the ability to use our thoughts to attract in our life whatever it is that we want. The basic essence of the

They will tell you so... but embrace the uncertainity.

If you talk to fishes, they will convince you that gliding in water is the best life.  If you talk to the birds they will tell you that flying is how you reach the greatest heights. A monkey will tell you that banana is the sweetest. While the bees work in the preparation of honey, Who will convince the other that they live fully? People will always tell us that one way is the best, or at least better. Opinions are everywhere. You will be made to rethink about the choice you have made. You will stumble even before you set foot on the ground.  The deal is...There are many ways. And you will be confused.          Some ways will be secure and easy; but not grand. The others will be risky, but you will live more. Live with purpose. “A ship in harbor is safe, but what is not what ships are built for.”                                                                                               -  John A. Shedd I am no one to say that one is better than other, because

The Cake that failed miserably... (Not a recipe)

Nope! This is not a cake recipe . This is an insight of what happened one day when I tried to bake a cake and it failed. I had made many before this and kind of thought myself to be a good baker. That's the reason that the failure hit me so hard. When we trust ourselves to do something but fail, we loose some part of us that believes in ourselves.  So when I failed that day, I thought maybe my earlier attempts were just a beginners luck. So, I quit it for the time being.                                             Then, I did some thinking and realized that... Failure is a part of growth. it teaches you how not to do something. It teaches you to give attention to detail. It teaches you that in life, the small and 'seemingly' insignificant decisions we make are as important and perhaps more important than the bigger ones. Then it teaches you to get back after falling. To get some perspective, when you prepare the batter for the sponge cake, at a step t