In 2006, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne came out and brought the Law of Attraction into the limelight. It was hit among the readers and rightly so. It talked about how your thoughts can change your reality and how your mind holds power if you let it.

Yes, this was the secret behind the success of all the brilliant people around them. They had been working with this Law knowingly or unknowingly. This was the secret that nobody knew about but everybody used.. sometimes unknowingly so.
It was brought out in publicity just 14 years ago, however, it s that one law that has been working even before the dawn of civilization.


Before we dive deeper, in the Law of attraction, let's just understand what it is.
Simply put, the Law of attraction is the ability to use our thoughts to attract in our life whatever it is that we want. The basic essence of the law is that your thoughts are powerful and you can use them to shape your reality.
It is also based on the belief that there is some higher force that is guiding this universe. you can call this force GOD... I call it the universe. In essence, both are same. Some intangible entity that guides us.

How does it work?
The law of attraction is what the name says, you attract things in your life. However, if it's that simple how come so many people who are suffering?
The truth is that it's simple, not easy.
With the law of attraction, you attract what you are and you are what your thoughts are.
what that means is that to use the law in your favour, you need to become what you want to become.

Let's simplify it.
If you want to attract happiness and joy in your life,
Just thinking that I want to be happy is not enough.
You have felt it. You have to go out of comfort zone and change your mindset.
If you want love, you have to be Love.
I know this sounds odd but think of this..
You have heard of the phrase "the rich gets richer and poor gets poorer"
Have you seen those people who keep on spending money but still keep growing rich?

That is the law of attraction working . When these people spend money, they are doing that from a place of abundance. They don't think for a second that spending this money will make them go broke.
They just don't spend it for the same of spending, they invest it in some form or other.
That's the power of thought. It's no magic or witchcraft. This is the law.
Now if a person with limited resources does the same thing, spends the money or even invests it, somewhere in the back of their mind they will have a thought. What if this fails and I go broke?
While that fear is understandable its the same thing that attracts the reality. They go in a lack mindset. The mindset that there isn't enough.
This is why they will fail because they don't trust.

The TRUST factor.
For the law to work, you have to trust the universe, trust that it's in your favour and is working for your good.
Why is that so important?
Have you ever had anyone mistrust you?
Now tell me, do you ever want to work for someone who doesn't trust you?
Got the point?
now, for trusting you have to change your mindset. you have to go from a lack mindset to abundance mindset. That is believing that there is enough for everyone on this earth and what you want will find you.

My Experience.
I am no expert at the law of attraction, but let me share with you an experience.
I am just a student and I don't earn. That means I depend on my parents for money.
So I get what is called pocket money.
There are days when I am hanging on the last few bucks and I know I need money like now.
So I started practicing the Law of attraction. When such a day would arrive, rather than going to ask for money or worry about it, I would just sit close my eyes, clear my mind and say these words.

" I am abundant and I am fine"
"Money will find its way t me"
"I don't have to worry or ask for it"
"I will get it because I am abundant'

I would do this anytime the thought of scarcity came to me. rather than asking for it I will just sit and meditate.
and sooner or latter.. mostly sooner, money would come to me.
You won't believe me, cuz I could not believe me.

Believe. Brainwash. 
That's the difficult part of the law of attraction, believing in it. when you are sitting in a position of lack, it is hard to believe that things will get better. That's the part people fail at.

You have to believe in it up to the point that you with no doubt know that it will happen. it's like brainwashing ourselves for positivity. Let go of any negative belief and trust the universe or the God that it will give to you what you ask for.
It is letting go of the attachment to the need. Letting go of "want", "need", "lack" mindset and going to "will have" and "abundance" mindset.

Mastering it.
What you can do with LOA only depends on what you can do with your mind. how well you can control it.
The Loa is powerful but using it is difficult. You have to train your mind to positivity and its not as easy as it sounds. I have been practicing it for over a year and I still falter at times.
However, it is possible to get to that stage with your daily dose of inspiration and guidance.
That's what the goal of this blog is.

So come back for more, every Saturday 7 pm. See ya!

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