They will tell you so... but embrace the uncertainity.

If you talk to fishes, they will convince you that gliding in water is the best life. 
If you talk to the birds they will tell you that flying is how you reach the greatest heights.
A monkey will tell you that banana is the sweetest.
While the bees work in the preparation of honey,
Who will convince the other that they live fully?

People will always tell us that one way is the best, or at least better. Opinions are everywhere. You will be made to rethink about the choice you have made. You will stumble even before you set foot on the ground. 
The deal is...There are many ways.
And you will be confused.


Some ways will be secure and easy; but not grand.
The others will be risky, but you will live more. Live with purpose.

“A ship in harbor is safe, but what is not what ships are built for.” 
                                                                                             - John A. Shedd

I am no one to say that one is better than other, because I have no right to choose for you. the choice is yours. How you want to live; and for that no one can judge you.

I personally am up for taking risks.
With risks come rewards, if you win. If you loose you get a lesson. When you learn a lesson you grow. When you grow, you live.
If you are not growing, you are stagnant. That is not life. Life has to keep moving forward.
If each day you are not a little scared of the possibilities, you are missing out on something.
Fear teaches us to fight, to think and to innovate. 

If you are still not convinced, lets gets scientific.

Fear is what results in the release of adrenaline, the "the fight or flight hormone". The one that is responsible to protect you in scary situations. when afraid, your body is exploded with it. I did some research and found that,
adrenaline gives us superhuman pain resistance, it unlocks our maximum strength, increases our brain's lifting power and pumps up our immune system.

That's a whole lot of growth.

So why are we so afraid?

Afraid to live the live that we know that we want.

    “If you’re not scared a lot you’re not doing very much.”
                                                                                                            -Robin Sharma

We just have to learn to embrace the fear and work with it. To control our mind to process the fear and use it to our benefit.


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