Religions divide us

The religions divide us. 
“Hindu, Muslim, Sikh , Isaai.. sab aapas mei bhai bhai.”
You see that? That’s exactly where the divide is. 

The need to say that one human is related to another brings up the idea that they are actually not. 
Yes, it is a good saying. Yes, i support it. The question is why do we need it?
We humans live on this world together, we all a part of a community called Humanity. Then why the divide? 
Why do people out there want to help people from their own religion only and leave the others. What is that need to spread your religion and convert people into it?
In our attempts to spread a religion, we have forgotten to spread the only one true religion. 

Also read:-
People go into disputes, families are torn apart, people kill each other. They forget that they all are humans; the same species.!!

So what is that divides us? ( religion… duh!!)
Yeah, but Why?

I have something interesting to share. Imagine you are a part of a society. It is a small club, of say 15- 20 people. These people are supposed to help each other to grow and develop. The development of each person is dependent upon development of other person. Each one helps the other, aids the other and they grow beautifully. 

Now, lets change it a bit. The group head divides the group into 4 subgroups. The development of each subgroup in now dependent upon the stagnation of other. By doing this, now each group will be pitted against each other, working to tear each other down. However, within the subgroup people will be trying to build each up.
So, the development of each person caused by the support within the subgroup will be nullified due to all the tearing down by another subgroup group.

As a result, the group as a whole will be on a stand still.
That is exactly what is happening with the world. 
We don’t know how the different religions came to be? Was is God? That is if you even believe in him. Do you? ( leave a comment below in the comment section)

 We really don’t know. However, we do know one thing..
Religion is for us, not the other way around. So until people start understanding that , the religions will keep us divided.
Guys, leave your views in the comment section below. I would love to hear your thoughts.


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