The Cake that failed miserably... (Not a recipe)

Nope! This is not a cake recipe .

This is an insight of what happened one day when I tried to bake a cake and it failed.
I had made many before this and kind of thought myself to be a good baker. That's the reason that the failure hit me so hard.

When we trust ourselves to do something but fail, we loose some part of us that believes in ourselves. So when I failed that day, I thought maybe my earlier attempts were just a beginners luck. So, I quit it for the time being.


Then, I did some thinking and realized that...
Failure is a part of growth. it teaches you how not to do something. It teaches you to give attention to detail. It teaches you that in life, the small and 'seemingly' insignificant decisions we make are as important and perhaps more important than the bigger ones. Then it teaches you to get back after falling.

To get some perspective, when you prepare the batter for the sponge cake, at a step the yolk and the white are to be separated. However, I got a little lazy and let some LITTLE amount stay because it was hard to remove. I thought it was too small to make any difference. That's what made all the difference.

In life we get lazy and let small things slip by, so mess up at small things....thinking they are insignificant. Sometimes these small details matter the most, because these are the places that we underestimate. We are totally backed up for the bigger things. I was. I has everything in place, even preheated the oven. However, I never got past the batter.


Now after the whole scene, I was more than a little reluctant to try again and was surely doubting myself. We all do when we screw up. However, what we need to understand is we won't be experts until we fail. What differentiates an expert is that  they know small things that are not taught anywhere. They are learnt through experience. Experience that comes out of failure.

That's what we got to do. Get back up in the game after replenishing yourself, not beating yourself up.

So, I am going in again.
I just learnt one of 100 ways how not to bake a cake and will learn all 100 if need be. 

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
                                                                            - Thomas A. Edison


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